
Submission Guidlines



TheEditorial Board welcomes the submission of manuscripts written in English onany aspect of literature, linguistic, literature, teaching and translation.Authors should write in a style thatis comprehensible to non-specialists in other fields and disciplines, but thatis at the same time theoretically informed and original. Manuscripts can rangein length from 5 to 10 pages. An electronic copy of the submission, along witha cover letter that includes contact information, should be sent to this emailaddress: nafls@usnvp.com.

Periodicalof LLT isa blind, peer-reviewed journal. When submitting essays, please make surethe author’s name is not indicated in the essay itself or does not appearembedded in “Properties” in the Word file.

LLT STYLEGUIDE (see below, but also available in pdf format here)


Manuscriptsshould shouldconsist of at least 5 pages.Authors including images should reduce the maximum length by about 250 wordsper half-page image.

Sendmanuscripts, ideally in Word format, to nafls@usnvp.com.

Submissionsshould include an abstract of no more than 200 words. Please also include fiveto six keywords (names and short phrases can be used).

Pleaseinclude with your submission a statement that your manuscript is not currentlybeing considered for publication elsewhere and is not previously published inEnglish.


LLTaccepts submissions in both American and British English. Manuscripts inBritish English must use Oxford spellings (-ize, -ization, analyse).

LLT usesthe Oxford serial comma.

Commasand periods should be placed inside quotation marks, following the Americanconvention “like this.”

Chineseterms using pinyin (or other romanization) should be italicized, butproper names, such as Mao Zedong, should not. For terms mentioned frequently,subsequent italicization is optional.

In mostcases, English should come first with pinyin following in parenthesis, e.g., .. . plaza (guangchang).

Fortitles of works, italicize books, plays, periodicals, and films; use citationmarks for essays, articles, short stories, and poems.


Chinesecharacters for terms and proper nouns should be provided in a glossary at theback, using either simplified (jianti) or full forms (fanti) The glossaryshould not include names of dynasties, provinces, and large municipalities,such as Beijing and Shanghai. It should also leave out Chinese characters forauthors of studies included in the reference list.

Chinesecharacters should only be included in the main body text for poetry or tohighlight points about language.


Photographs,film and video stills, images, and other graphics should be submitted online orby Dropbox with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi (preferably 600 dpi).

Numberyour image files in the order in which they will appear in the article (fig. 1,fig. 2, fig. 3, etc.). Be sure to include captions for each of the images,either in a separate document or at the end of your paper in a section labeled“Figure captions.”

In thetext of your manuscript, you must also include a “call-out” in parenthesis,e.g., “(fig. 1)” for each of the images, indicating the desired placement ofthat image.

Paperformat standard is as followed.


Linda XXX

School of Arts and Science, XXX University,City, China   


XXX Author

School of Computing and InformationTechnology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland


[Abstract]The abstract should summarise the contents of the paper in 50 to 100 words. Thepaper title should be in 12-point, Times New Roman bold with 12-point spacingafter the paper title (Title style). The abstract should be in 10 point TimesNew Roman italic and should be fully justified with 6 point spacing before and18 point spacing after the abstract (Abstract style).

[Keywords] 4 or 5 words or phrases, use Semi colon to separate the key word orphrases.

Introduction (HeadingLevel 1)

Thisdocument provides detailed instructions for authors on the form, presentationand layout of papers. Adherence to the instructions will help achieve a highquality conference proceedings. Papers that diverge from these instructions maynot be accepted. (This is Paragraph Style)

Papers should not exceed 8 pages in length includingreferences, acknowledgments appendices and copyright statement.

All text should be formatted according to thedetails of these instructions. To reduce costs, authors should keep copies oftheir papers; reprints of final versions will not be supplied.

Papers submitted should be in the followingformat and in the style illustrated in this document:

·        Microsoft Word (Times New Roman, point 11)

Document Layout (Level 1)

Paragraphs should commence at the left marginand should be indented. Leave 6 point spacing prior to each heading. All textshould be in 11 point Times New Roman and justified (left and right flushed).All text is to be single-spaced. Do notinclude page numbering, headers or footers—these will be included in theproceedings publication process.

Page size should be Letter size. Allow for a25.4 mm (1 inch) margin on both sides of each page, a 25.4 mm margin at the topof each page and a 25.4 mm margin at the bottom of each page. That is one inch(25.4mm) on all the margin.


Major headings should be in upper case, 12-point Times New Roman Bold, with12-point spacing prior to the heading.

Heading Level   2 (using Title case. 11 Bold)

Headinglevel 2 should be in Title -case, 11point Times New Roman Bold and italicised , with 12-point spacing prior tothe heading.

Heading level3 or (In lower-case, bold)

Other very minor headings should be inlower-case, 11 point Times New Roman, with 6-point spacing before the Heading.Within paragraphs, sub-points may be distinguished by dashes, bullets,bracketed letters or bracketed roman numerals, as follows:

•   First option (Bullet 1 style)

–   Second option (Bullet 2 style)

(b)     Third option (Bullet 3 style)

(iv)    Fourth option (and bullet 4 style)

Figures and Tables

Any exhibits (tables, figures, illustrationsetc. should be placed as close as possible to the first reference made to it.Exhibits should be numbered and identified by a brief description. For example,see Figure 1.

Figure1: Two circles and a rectangle (Figure caption style)

In-Text Citation

Citations should be in APA style. Thisinvolves references to Smith (1979) or to a publication (Smith 1979). Multipleauthors (three or more) are referred to as Anderson et al. (1982). Multiplepublications by the same author within the same year are differentiated asJones (1983a, 1983b). Where the author is unknown, or is an organisation, anappropriate surname or organisation name or acronym is used, e.g. (OECD 1985,ACS 1980).

When quoting text please use “smart quotes.”The references should immediately follow the last section in the text. Do notstart a new page.


Sufficient descriptions should be given toenable the reader to locate all publications referred to in the text. Theyshould be arranged in alphabetical order by surname of first-named author, thendate. Unpublished works or private communications are to be mentioned withinthe text, but omitted from the reference list. References to electronicdocuments should include an appropriate Universal Resource Locator (URL) anddate of access.

The following are examples of entries forbooks, articles and proceedings usingAPA Publication Manual (available from http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html):

ACC (1984). Proceedings of the Australian Computer Conference, Sydney.Australian Computer Society, November.

Berthold,   W. F. & Hingsen, C. S. (1981). The Introduction of New Technology to the Workplace.Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Lewis, P. J. (1993a). Linking Soft Systems Methodologywith Data-focused Information Systems Development. Journal of Information Systems, 3, 169-186.

Lewis, P. J. (1993b). Identifying Cognitive Categories:the Basis for Interpretative Data Analysis within Soft Systems Methodology. International Journal of InformationManagement, 13, 373-386.

Nijssen, G. M. (1989). An axiom andarchitecture for information systems in E. D. Falkenberg and P. Lindgren (eds.)Information Systems Concepts: an in-depthanalysis, North-Holland.

Zanker, A. G. (1995). A proposal for arevised Internet service. Retrieved on Jan. 14, 2002 from http://www.is.southern.edu.au/Papers/TR-9506.


Acknowledgementsshould follow the references. Do not start a new page.

Appendix 1

Appendicesare the last section of the paper. Do not start a new page.


Authors are to ensure the accuracy of theirpapers. The conference publisher accept no responsibility for statements madeby authors either in written papers or in presentations. Where relevant,authors are to ensure that the contents of their papers are cleared forpublication, e.g. by their employer, their client, the funding organisationand/or the copyright owner of any material which is reproduced. Authors retaintheir copyright in the paper.

The following suggested styles excerpted from APA style web site

Journal or MagazineArticle
(use for journals that start each issue with page one)

Wilcox, R. V. (1991). Shifting roles andsynthetic women in Star Trek:
     The Next Generation. Studies in PopularCulture, 13(2), 53-65.

Journal or MagazineArticle
(use for journals where the page numbering continues from issue to issue)

Dubeck, L. (1990). Science fiction aidsscience teaching. Physics
     Teacher, 28, 316-318.

Newspaper Article

Di Rado, A. (1995, March 15). Trekking throughcollege: Classes
     explore modern society using the world of StarTrek. Los Angeles
p. A3.

Article from anInternet Database
(for more details, see the
American Psychological Association's official site)

Mershon, D. H. (1998, November-December). StarTrek on the brain:
     Alien minds, human minds. American Scientist,86, 585. Retrieved
     July 29, 1999, from Expanded Academic ASAPdatabase.


Okuda, M., & Okuda, D. (1993). StarTrek chronology: The history
     of the future. New York: Pocket Books.

Book Article or Chapter

James, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise:The Eden myth according
     to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrumof the fantastic
     (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Encyclopedia Article

Sturgeon, T. (1995). Science fiction. In Theencyclopedia Americana
     (Vol. 24, pp. 390-392). Danbury, CT:Grolier.

ERIC Document

Fuss-Reineck, M. (1993). Siblingcommunication in Star Trek: The Next
     Generation: Conflicts between brothers.Miami, FL: Annual Meeting
     of the Speech Communication Association. (ERICDocument
     Reproduction Service No. ED 364932)

(for more details, see the
American Psychological Association's official site)

Lynch, T. (1996). DS9 trials and tribble-ationsreview. Retrieved
     October 8, 1997, from Psi Phi: Bradley's ScienceFiction Club
     Web site:http://www.bradley.edu/campusorg/psiphi/DS9/ep/

Citations in Text Materials: To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure,table, or equation at the appropriate point in text. Always give page numbersfor quotations. Note that the words page and chapter areabbreviated in such text citations:

(Cheek & Buss, 1981, p. 332)
(Shimamura, 1989, p. 3)

Criteriafor Evaluation

MCLC isa blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. All submissions are first reviewedinternally by the editor. Submissions that pass the internal review are thensent to two external reviewers, who base their evaluations on the followingcriteria:


Asubmission should make some new and original contribution to the field(s).Originality ranges from presenting research on new material and increasing ourknowledge of unknown aspects of modern Chinese culture, to treating knownmaterial in fresh and interesting ways, to offering new theoretical approachesor paradigms that have a more general import. Of course, to help us assessoriginality, authors should situate their contribution in the context ofsimilar and related scholarship in the field. Translations of workpreviously published in another language are not considered original research.


Theargument should be substantiated with relevant and sufficient evidence andexamples. The scholarship should be sound and the theoretical apparatus ormethodology applied sensibly and fruitfully.

Argumentand Style

The essayshould be argued logically, coherently, and with clarity. Language should beclear, precise, and correct. An essay accepted for publication should notrequire a large amount of editorial work. At the same time, we seekscholarship that is informed by issues raised in current theoreticaldiscussions.
